Holly Lien, LMFT
Insurance Information

Insurance If you are planning on billing your insurance for services, it is recommended that you contact your insurer to determine if Holly is a provider with your Mental Health Benefits Plan. If so, an authorization number from the mental health carrier needs to be obtained prior to the onset of therapy. Most insurance companies with the exception of Kaiser no longer require an authorization for outpatient psychotherapy. However, clients should contact their insurance carrier to inquire about any pre-authorization requirements. It is also recommended clients verify how many sessions are allowed per year or authorization period, and the amount of any copay or coinsurance (if applicable). Holly's office will bill the client's insurance companies. However, if problems arise with coverage it may be necessary for the client to seek reimbursement from their provider. Please refer to the insurance section on the Professional Service Agreement for more information regarding the patient's responsibility for final payments. Also, potential clients may also want to look into their Employee Assistance Program (EAP) plan as I am on several local EAP panels for businesses and health plans for California.

Those insured through Kaiser will need to obtain a pre-authorization through the Kaiser Behavioral Health Department via an initial intake assessment. There are no exceptions to this. It is necessary to contact Holly via email prior to contacting Kaiser to determine if she is able to take new patients. This step is required so Holly can notify Kaiser of her ability to accept you specifically as a new patient prior to an intake assessment is scheduled.

I am on the following insurance panels:

As of July 1st, 2022 the following insurance plans are closed to new patients:

  • Anthem Blue Cross
  • Magellan (Western Health Advantage)
  • Blue Shield
  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)

Feel free to contact me at:
Holly@HollyLien.com or
(530) 220-3433
if you have any questions.

Website and all non-proprietary content Copyright by Holly Lien, MA, LMFT.
Please address any website-related questions or problems to web@hollylien.com.